Thursday, January 18, 2007

Honeywell Paper

50 Technical questions (branch wise)
30 C questions
20 aptitude questions

Aptitude is very easy. Simple questions from profit&loss, ratio, odd-man series, time-distance, clock...

Technical from OS, DBMS, CN, 8085, unix, DS.. some of the qns I remembered are given below.

1) Binary search tree is used in
a) sorting b)searching c)indexing d)all the above

2) Given a tree..write the preorder traversal

3) Given an infix expression..write its postfix

4) First general purpose microprocessor
a) 2002 b)4004 c)8080 d)8085

5) What is 8253

6) ____flag is not used in 8085 jump instructions

7) SNMP is used in which layer

8) Banker's algorithm is used for

9) Belady's anomaly is related to___

10) Which of the following is non-preemptive
a) FIFO b)SJF c)Round robin d)all the above

11 )A relation in 3NF is in______

12) A question on serializability

13) One SQL query

14) Functional dependency one question

15) The first general purpose microprocessor is ____-bit

16) In a three byte instruction the second byte indicates____

17) Average case analysis for partition exchange sort

18) How the receiver knows to what service the packet to be forwarded?

19) Given a binary sign magnitude no:..write its decimal

20) The order in which data is transferred frm magnetic disk
disk->main mem->cache->h/w register

21) In which layer of the network datastructure format change is done

22) Which of the following allow parallel & serial connections
a)DHCP b)PPP c)IPX d)all the above

23) Given some IP addresses...identify which one is IPv6?

24) Open addressing and chaining is used in
a)sorting b)indexing c)collision-resolution d)none of the above

25) Storage space requirement for diff: sorts in the descending order

26) Which scheduling policy is used in unix..

27) In database which mechanism is suitable for recovery?
a)checkpointing b)indexing... c) d)

28) Which of the following is not correct?
a)arrays consume less space
b)linked lists are more complex
c)linked lists use less space

29)which of the following is not correct?
a)main does not have arguments
b)main can have command line arguments
c)main have variable arguments

30) Which of the following is not correct?
a)function can call itself
b)function can have no return type
c)function cannot have multiple return statements
d)function can have arguments

31) When an interrupt is called control is given to..
a)interrupt vector table
b)interrupt service routine

32) Which of the following is not a synchronization tool
a)semaphore b)mutex c)mutual exclusion d)message passing

33) Given a graph write the BFS for it

34) How can u increase ports of a microprocessor?
a)8255 b)8259 c)8253 d)8251

35) What is 8259?

36) Which of the following maintains a constant time(best,worst,average)?
a)searching b)sorting c)indexing d)none

37) In a database a table is stored not is an example of
a)views b)logical data independence c)abstraction d)all the above

38) The time CPU takes to complete the execution of processes____

39) The minimum length of TCP/IP header and IP datagram header

40) Process spawning in OS is__________

41) The topology that uses a central hub is___

Saturday, January 13, 2007

HP Test Pattern

80 Que 75 minutes

40 Que on cse subjects

They mainly concentrated on

OS(Important),FAFL,DBMS,SS,UNIX(only 2 que),c++,Network(Basic)

20 Que on c.

20 Que on Aptitude+English+Logical


For C,C++--> Test ur C,C++ skills by Yashvanth kanithakar
For Java--> any good book.
48Q totally
12Q in General compuetr test?(Concentrate more on ceo's and founders of HP,Microsoft,intel,sap etc..)It even includes Q in OS,N/wing
12Q on C,
12Q on C++
12Q n java

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Amdocs Test Pattern

Amdocs test has 2 sections

  1. Aptitude consist of 4 sections consisted of diagrammatic reasoning n non verbal stuff

  2. Technical test consisted of 4 sections each of pseudocode,c,unix n sql all tests r computer based


In SQL learn for - Commands that are somewhat internal like COMMIT,
etc..but its easy only

In UNIX learn for - the common features of UNIX console,executing the
commands ,syntax etc.,

The aptitude cum technical test for Amdocs consisted of 7-8 papers. The test is computer based .It takes abt 5-6 hrs. Each paper has a time slot . u can take a break after each test. It's very cool.

The tests were :

  1. Analytical reasoning:simple maths

  2. diagrammatic reasoning: In this, we were given 8 diagrams and had to select the 9th corresponding dg frm the givn choices. U have to be very fast in this test.

  3. problems to be solved using Venn diagrams.

  4. This test was to check our adaptation to the computer screen.We had to solve abt 30 qs in 15 min( I don't remember the timings very well). eg: q#Df684%d
    options would be: 1. q#Df634%d 2. q#Df684%d 3. q#df684%D 4. q#Df685%d U have to be very very fast in this also.

  5. In this test we were given a booklet of abt 7-8 pgs in which there was the syntax of some hypothetical lang, ( its syntax was somewhat like Visual Basic). This was very easy since the whole syntax was g iven & u can refer to it.
    We were given almost 90-120mins for this test. If u want u can rd the booklet before the start of the test.(As I said, U can start a paticular test whenever u want). The qs consisted of programs for which u have to find the o/p or where there is wrong syntax etc.

  6. C test: Study pointers very well .Visit that helps you to test the C/C++ programming strengths.

  7. SQL test: It consisted of sql queries mainly inner join, outer join ,group by statements etc.

  8. Unix test: kernel, 1-2 qs on TCP/IP, basic commands ( more on commands).

Amdocs Technical

  1. All birds are animals. All animals are four legged. Implications
    a. All animals which are four legged are birds.
    b. All birds are four legged
    c. Some birds are four legged
    d. Some birds are animals but not four legged.
    1. a and b 2. b and c 3. only b 4. only d

  2. All fat people are not dancers, food loving people are all fat .Find the contradictory statement?

  3. The day before yesterday was WEDNESDAY then the day after 2morrow is? 3. A goes to the party if B goes
    B goes to the party if C goes
    C goes to the party if D goes
    Totally how many will go to the party?

  4. Mary's father's brother is Andrews Andrews daughter's son is Sunil Brothers name is Sam Who is Sam to Sunil?

  5. If A>B,AD,B

  6. There are A,B techers and C,D doctors.Find the possible no of combinations that should not be repeated more than once?

  7. There are 3 males and 2 females,find the possible no of orders that can be made by making the arrangement as in between two males one women is allowed to sit? 8.
    Computer checking:

    Unix Test

  8. The syntax of command statement in UNIX 10. If the permission for a file is 000,then the file can be accessed by whom?

  9. Where we can run two same programs on a UNIX console at the same time?

  10. Which is the Shell of UNIX?

  11. What is the number of the masked code ee@?

  12. If we are terminated at the middle of the program execution in UNIX,what will happen to the program,it will (i) continue running
    (ii) terminate
    (iii)the o/p will be send to ur mail?

  13. what is the command to connecto to remote terminals

  14. what is the command to fetch first 10 records in a file

  15. unix has the following features
    a. multithreading
    b. multitasking
    c. ..

  16. We are UPDATING a field in SQL and ALTER the row also.After giving the COMMIT command the system is crashed.What will happen to the commands given,whether it will UPDATE and ALTER the table or not?

  17. How will add additional conditions in SQL?
    C Test

  18. How will u print TATA alone from TATA POWER using string copy and concate commands in C?

  19. If switch(n)
    case 1:printf("CASE !");
    What will be printed?

  20. How will u divide two numbers in a MACRO?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


SECTION-I :( Microprocessor (8086only) +Networks+operatingsystems+Fundamentals of computers)

This section consists of 15 Questions. Here I remember some questions……

1) Non Maskable Interrupt is a…..

a) NMI
b) Software interrupts
c) Hardware interrupts
d) Software and hardware interrupt

Ans: b

2) Which of the following is error correction and deduction?

a) Hamming code

b) CRC

c) VRC

d) None
Ans: b

3) When you switch on your computer, which of the following component affect first?

a) Mother board


c) Peripherals

d) None

Ans : a

4) Which of the following function transports the data?


b) Transport layer

c) TCP

d) None

Ans: c

5) Which of the following does not consists address?

a) IP


c) Network

d) Transport

6) They given like this……. And some conditions?

a) pre order
b) post order
c) In order
d) None

7) Authentication means….

a) Verifying authority
b) Source
c) Destination
d) Request
Ans: a

8) Symorphous is used for

a) Analysis
b) Synchournization

c) Asynchrouns

d) None

Ans: b

9) There are five nodes. With that how many trees we can make?

a) 27
b) 28
c) 30
d) 29
Ans: c (Check the ans not sure)

10) Traverse the given tree using in order, Preorder and Post order traversals.

Given tree:

Ø Inorder : D H B E A F C I G J

Ø Preorder: A B D H E C F G I J

Ø Postorder: H D E B F I J G C A

And some more questions….. I dint remember those questions

Given tree:

Ø Inorder : D H B E A F C I G J

Ø Preorder: A B D H E C F G I J

Ø Postorder: H D E B F I J G C A

And some more questions….. I dint remember those questions

SECTION –II (C language Basics and programming) this section consists of 20 Questions…….. All are programs only…

1. main()



a) fff0
b) fffb
c) ff0
d) none
Ans: a
Explanation: -1 is internally represented as all 1's. When left shifted four times the least significant 4 bits are filled with 0's.The %x format
specifier specifies that the integer value be printed as a hexadecimal value.

2. main()


char *p;




a) e

b) H
c) some address
d) ome garbage value

Ans: b

Explanation: * is a dereference operator & is a reference operator. They can be applied any number of times provided it is meaningful. Here
p points to the first character in the string "Hello". *p dereferences it and so its value is H. Again & references it to an address and * dereferences it to the value H.

3. void main()


int i=5;

printf("%d",i++ + ++i);


a) 11

b) 12

c) 10

d) output cant be predicted

Ans: d

Explanation: Side effects are involved in the evaluation of i

4. main( )


int a[2][3][2] = {{{2,4},{7,8},{3,4}},{{2,2},{2,3},{3,4}}};

printf(“%u %u %u %d \n”,a+1,*a+1,**a+1,***a+1);


a) 100, 100, 100, 2

b) 101,101,101,2

c) 114,104,102,3

d) none

Ans: c

The given array is a 3-D one. It can also be viewed as a 1-D array.













100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122

thus, for the first printf statement a, *a, **a give address of first element . since the indirection ***a gives the value. Hence, the first line of the output.for the second printf a+1 increases in the third dimension thus points to value at 114, *a+1 increments in second dimension thus points to 104, **a +1 increments the first dimension thus points to 102 and ***a+1 first gets the value at first location and then increments it by 1. Hence, the output is C is correct answer…

5. main( )


static int a[ ] = {0,1,2,3,4};

int *p[ ] = {a,a+1,a+2,a+3,a+4};

int **ptr = p;


printf(“\n %d %d %d”, ptr-p, *ptr-a, **ptr);


printf(“\n %d %d %d”, ptr-p, *ptr-a, **ptr);


printf(“\n %d %d %d”, ptr-p, *ptr-a, **ptr);


printf(“\n %d %d %d”, ptr-p, *ptr-a, **ptr);


a) 111




b) 111




c) 111




d) None

Ans: b

6. #include



const int i=4;

float j;

j = ++i;

printf("%d %f", i,++j);


a) 8

b) 5

c) compile error

d) syntax error

Ans: c

7. main()


char *p;

int *q;

long *r;







a) 001… 100…0002

b) 0001...0002...0004

c) 001… 002…004

d) none

ans: b

8. main()


unsigned int i;


printf("HCL Technologies");


a) HCL

b) Technologies

c) HCL Technologies

d) None

Ans: None(Plz Check the answer)

9. main()


int a[10];



a) 4

b) 5

c) 6

d) None

Ans : a

10. main()


float f=5,g=10;







a) Line no 5: Error: Lvalue required

b) Line no 5: Error: Link error

c) Compile error

d) None

Ans: a

11. int swap(int *a,int *b)






int x=10,y=20;


printf("x= %d y = %d\n",x,y)


a) x=10 y=20

b) x=20 y=10

c) x=30 y=20

d) none

Ans: b

12. main()


int i=300;

char *ptr = &i;




a) 665

b) 565

c) 556

d) none

Ans: c



float me=1.1;

double you=1.1;


printf(“I Hate U”)


a) I love u

b) I hate u

c) floating point error

d) Compile error

Ans: b

enum colors {BLACK,BLUE,GREEN}





a) 1..2..3

b) 0..1..2

c) 2..3..4

d) none

Ans: b

Some more questions given.. I dint remember…. Be prepare all basic concept in C… so that you can answer very easily…

SECTION –III (Data structures and C++) this section consists of 10 Questions… Each question carry 2 marks… so they deduct ½ mark for wrong answer…..

1) #include



char s[]={'a','b','c','\n','c','\0'};

char *p,*str,*str1;




printf("%d",++*p + ++*str1-32);



b) M


d) none

Ans: b

2) main( )


int a[ ] = {10,20,30,40,50},j,*p;

for(j=0; j<5;>


printf(“%d” ,*a);



p = a;

for(j=0; j<5;>


printf(“%d ” ,*p);




a) address of array

b) Compile error

c) Lvalue required

d) none

Ans: c

3) struct aaa{

struct aaa *prev;

int i;

struct aaa *next;




struct aaa abc,def,ghi,jkl;

int x=100;







a) 3

b) 2

c) 4

d) 5

Ans: b

4) main(int argc, char **argv)


printf("enter the character");





int num1,num2;


return num1+num2;


a) compile error

b) L value required

c) Syntax error

d) None

Ans: a


class Sample



int *ptr;

Sample(int i)


ptr = new int(i);




delete ptr;


void PrintVal()


cout << "The value is " << *ptr;



void SomeFunc(Sample x)


cout << "Say i am in someFunc " <<>


int main()


Sample s1= 10;




a) say I am in someFunc

b) say I am in someFunc and runtime error

c) say I am in someFunc and null value

d) none

ans: b

and some questions given in DATASTURES… those are based on linked lists only also very big programs… so you have to do it very careful

SECTION-III (General aptitude+1 passage+Logical) this section consists of 20 questions.. Each question carry 1 mark…

1) Sandhya and Bhagya is having the total amount of 12000. In that amount bhagya has deducted 3600 as less as sandhya. So what is their shared amount?

a) 2800

b) 3600

c) 4800

d) 9600

Ans : c

2) Six persons have to present at certain meeting. The conditions are,

A present P should present
M present T should present
K present P should present

If A and P present I should be there in meeting

If M and T present D should be absent

If K and P present P should present

Based on this they given some questions… Those are easy only.. you can do it easily…

3) Here they given passage following some questions.. Poetry explaining her experience with HINDI latest songs… and comparing with old songs… also she is a good singer. Like this they given a big passage… so read it carefully at a time.. so that u can save your time

4) Dhana and Lavanya started running at same point… But dhana started in anti clock wise direction, Lavanya started in clockwise direction.. Dhana met lavanya at 900 m . where as lavanya met dhana at 800 m… so how much distance they covered each other?

a) 1700

b) 900

c) 1800

d) data is insufficient

Ans: d

5) This question is base on Arithmetic mean like algebra… a n+2 = (7+an)/5…. Initially a0= 0…… so what is the value of a2?

a) 5/2

b) 7/2

c) 7/5

d) none

Ans : c

6) Here they given two statements, based on that they gave some questions

Statement I : I is enough to answer

Statement II: I and II is enough to answer

i) Raja can do a piece of work in 9 days… and govardhan can do a piece of work in 8 days. In how many days they will complete the work alternatively..

Statement I: They both do in 72/17 days

Statement II : A alone can do 1/9 days
a) I b) I and II c) II d) none