Monday, March 12, 2007


  1. Written test.
  2. HR interview

Written test is in two parts:

  1. Aptitude(30 ques, 40 minute)
  2. English(40 ques, 35 minute).

Before the commencement of the exam they will ask you to fill up an application form….which asks for a very detailed description about you… your eyesight and even the last major illness (with date) is asked for… be careful while filling the columns of your marks and aggregate percentage (till your last semester results) as they ask for it separately… this particular column creates great confusion and often leads to cuttings in the application form….

The format for the written exam was as follows:

1.Logical Reasoning/ Analytical Reasoning(5 ques)

2.Spot the odd picture out of the given 5 pictures.(5 ques)

3.Data Sufficiency(5 ques)

4.Data Interpretation(5ques)

5.Logical Puzzle(5 ques)

6.Data Deduction/Deductive Reasoning

I advice you all to refer some CAT material such as TIME and CL… or else please go for Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S.Aggarwal…but selective topics only…

1.The first question was a bit tricky and required calculations more with brain work rather than paper work….

It was something like this(not exactly this):

At a CL institute there are 4 consulters, 10 conceptors, 4 readers…. Each work 10 hours a day. A consultor can frame his part of ques in 1 hour, conceptor- half hour, reader- 1 hour….

A) max how many ques can be framed in a day…?

B) how many ques can be framed if number of readers are increased by 10…?

C) if number of conceptor work is 5 less than the readers work than how many questions framed in one day…?

D) ……(don’t remember)

E) …….(don’t remember)

2.Spot the odd picture- do good practice from R.S.Aggarwal

3. Data Sufficincy questions are mainly maths based…..(you generally don’t find maths based questions in RS.Aggarwal… go for some CAT material)
i).angle ABC of a triangle is right angled…

(a).if other two angles are equal

(b).if some of other two angles is equal to angle ABC

Ans: only (b) require

ii) we can determine the distance between office and house of Mohan?

(a).if mohan travels at a speeed of 30kmph then he reaches office 10 minutes late

(b). if mohan travels at a speed of 40kmph then he reaches office 10 minutes earliar

Ans: both the statement are required

iii). the length of diagonal BD of a rhombus ABCD, where the major diagonal is AC, can be known if:

(a).the length AC=10cm

(b).the length CD=6cm

Ans: both are required

iv). in a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD, angle ABC is obtained:

(a).angle BCD is 70 degrees

(b).sum of angle CDB and BCD is 130

v). I don’t remember this one…..

4. Data Interpretation: there was a simple table for exports from India to various countries…. 5 questions based on percentages and additions …. You require fast calculations……(practice R.S.Aggarwal)

5. puzzle type question…. ( I don’t remember the exact question) but somewhat like…. Names of five or six people are given…. Few of their interests are mentioned…. You have to tell who’s who…..(R.S.Aggarwal is more than sufficient)

6. Deductive reasoning: questions like… all pens are pencils…. All cups are pens… then conclusion is… I:all pencils are pens II: all pencils are cups

For such questions eye on some CAT material…. RS is also more than sufficient for this.

English Test:

Two long RCs….10 questions………. Attempt at last if time permits else go for guess work as there is no negative marking…

10 question based on: choose the correct sentence from the given 4 choices.

10 questions based on: choose the best phrase in place of underlined portion of the sentence fron the given 4 choices….(a real tough one and time taking as well…)

5 questions based on: fill in the blanks from the given 4 choices(most easier portion)

5 questions based on: inferential reasoning….. read a paragraph of about three or four sentences then choose the option that supports the paragraph or comdemns the paragraph or is the theme of the paragraph …etc…(easy one,you can do it..)

For the English test you may brush up with some good CAT material…. Moreover you can even skip preparations for this segment. Even I never prepared it beforehand…. But guys English Test will really make you sweat if you are not accustomed to English usage…. Go for CAT material if you are weak at English….

We had our results at about 8pm on 1st March itself but after a long wait of nearly 8 hours…… I was among the 319 shortlisted out of 1500 for the interview.

Next day we had our interview….. believe me friends HR was a cake walk…it lasted just for about 10 minutes or even less…. (tip: be confidant and stress on current affairs……)


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