Friday, December 01, 2006

Flextronics Test Paper as on 14th july 2006

Here is the pattern of Flex on 14 July '06

SECTION 1 - Verbal
It includes very simple english. 3 questions on the correct usage of a, an, the, for, to. (15 questions in 10 minutes)

3 pattern matching questions like 3 digits are given and find out which 3 are similar. Then general maths like if * is replaced by -, - is replaced by + , + is replced by / and / is replaced by *. then whcih is true.
The only good questions from this sections was
---There is a red cube and it is cut into 12*12*12 small cubes. Now corner columns of front face is taken out and remaining structure is painted black. Now 5 questions were there to calculate no of cubes having 1,2,3 red faces and 1,2,3 black faces.

A passage on USB was given. It was taked from

It was having very easy general english. At end there was a RC on SQL.

No added benefit for taking the tough paper. 20 questions in 20 mins. Questions were of particular cases.
Though some were very easy but around 10 of them were like that you can't apply general rules to them.

SECTION 6 -- E-Mail writing
You are tech executive of a telecom company. You are known for your excellent customer services. One customer has written that ha is facing problems. He also wrote ealier and got no response. Write an email to him apaologizing for that and offering him support.